Fitch Bits: The Two Funerals of Gladys Spooner

This post was originally shared as a Facebook and Instagram "DID YOU KNOW" post. I share them and you can get in on the fun by liking my page at and following me at ! Now onto the funny story! DID YOU KNOW that Gladys Spooner was so mean she died twice? She was an elderly woman spending her twilight years in Cavendish, Vermont , and earned a reputation as the local shrew. She was one of those people who “tell it like it is” when no one ever asks them. It was said that a week never passed without her giving someone a piece of her mind and no one had it worse than her husband, the henpecked Harley. She passed away in 1919 and pretty much the entire population of Cavendish attended her funeral. It’s a safe bet they all showed up just to make sure she was dead, and her new widower spent the whole service quietly staring at the floor. The funeral ended and Gladys got loaded into the back of a wagon f...