The Ultimate Guide to Pukwudgies! – Part 1 – Hockomock Swamp

“Far and wide among the nations, spread the name and fame of Kwasind; No man dared to strive with Kwasind, No man could compete with Kwasind. But the mischievous Puk-Wudjies, They the envious Little People, They the fairies and the pygmies, plotted and conspired against him.” – Excerpt from The Song of Hiawatha – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow The Ultimate Guide to Pukwudgies! - Part 1 - Hockomock Swamp Pictured: Not Dagobah Just mention the name “Hockomock Swamp” in New England and you’re going to conjure images of ghosts, monsters, and lots and lots of mosquito bites. Those things are just on the surface, though. If you really know what’s going on then the person you’re talking to is going to be immediately reminded of the Pukwudgie. You don’t even have to be talking to someone to make it happen! Just say it to yourself, we’ll wait. See? This guy gets it! The Pukwudgie is as much a part of New England as potholes and road construction. You can’t go more than a few minutes wit...